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The Family
My name is Jordan, i am 8 years old and live with my dad and big sister Kelly. I like dancing, drawing pictures, and can runrealyreally fast. My favourite colour is orange and my favourite flavour is blue raspberry.
Jordan is our human, Some of us came to The Bedroom through birthdays and some are second-hand. We all work together to protect Jordan from the scary things that come in the night. We all love Jordan and Jordan loves all of us. Most days Jordan goes to a mysterious place called “skool” where toys are not allowed, but that gives us time to plan for that night's attack.
Kelly is my older sister and is 13. She is nice most of the time and lets me take turns on her videogames. She likes music and football and wants to be a vet one day.
Kelly owned some of us before entrusting us to protect Jordan. Kelly was a very loving little girl according to the older toys and was very excited when Jordan arrived. We hear tales of great things arriving from the outside world for Kelly's room and wonder what mysteries may be within.
Buster is our puppy dog. He is new for our new house. He is a baby still but likes to play and run with me a lot.
Whatever this creature is Dad says it is not allowed in The Bedroom. Some toys report of a giant creature, crawling on all fours, loud with sharp teeth. Be wary if you come across this thing for it is said by Dad to need sacrifices for its hunger. No-one knows what happens to these chew-toys.
Dad stays at home to look after me and Kelly. He likes gardening and washing up and calls us his mucky pups. Dad drives a big car and is super strong he can pick me and Kelly up at the same time.
Dad is a very wise person, full of secret knowledge whenever Jordan needs answers, such as why you cant sit to close to the TV and why vegetables are important. Dad is a final line of defence should we fail in our duty to protect Jordan from the terrors of the night.
Mum is anarkyolojistarchyolajistarcheologist so dosent live with us much cause she has to go and do big digs calledxcavashexcavations to find dinosaurs and really old dead people who are not in graveyards. they take a really long time and are far away so she lives in a tent.
Mum is a wandering figure of The House. Gone for ages at a time to a place known as “A Dig” when Mum returns it is always a merry day for Jordan, and often the coming of a new toy coincides. Some say the ancients belonged to Dad and Mum, in a time long past when they went by different names.